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Discover Auckland Museum's latest learning programmes and suite of interactive resources.
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Hear about our latest news, resources and offers.
The AM Learn team offer unique and memorable learning experiences. With access to the Museum’s unrivalled handling collection and our passion for best practice teaching and learning, our team are ready to Inspire Curiosity in all of us.

Collections to Classrooms / Ngā kohinga ki ngā akomanga

A new resource which draws on objects and taonga from Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum to explore histories of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.  It is designed to help ākonga from years 7 to 13 learn about local histories that align with the big ideas, contexts and practices in the Aotearoa New Zealand histories and social sciences curriculum.

Collections to Classrooms

Ngā kohinga ki ngā akomanga

Te Whiwhinga The Imaginarium

Imaginarium gallery

Te Whiwhinga The Imaginarium, is the centerpiece of the Museum’s AM Learn programme. Te Whiwhinga The Imaginarium offers a fun and fascinating introduction to the Museum’s collections by showing how familiar objects and stories can be connected in unfamiliar ways, and is home to our revitalised Judith Goodfellow and Douglas Goodfellow learning labs and new orientation space, the Joyce Fisher Learning Base.

We're digging our new Fossil Van

Our new Fossil Van has hit the roads of Tāmaki Makaurau, bringing a free, interactive learning programme to ECEs, schools and kura. 

Sponsored by the Central Interceptor, Watercare Services Limited and our Fossil Van supplied by Giltrap Group, the exciting suite of learning programmes we deliver onsite and offsite connects students to the ancient past.  Students will explore local fossils that were excavated by Watercare at the Central Interceptor site, how they formed, and why they matter. They will also discover links between modern animals and creatures from millions of years ago, and uncover the whakapapa of fossils found across Tāmaki Makaurau and Aotearoa. 

Get ready to unearth the past with us!

Professional development workshops at Auckland Museum

For educators and school leaders, we can provide fascinating, inspiring and sometimes challenging workshops on Aotearoa New Zealand’s rich and diverse history. Acknowledging the commitment to teaching our history in all schools and kura by 2023, our new interactive workshops for teachers looks at the threads that tie contemporary issues in our society to major events from our past.

We can offer insights, knowledge and teaching inspiration on a variety of areas including:
-The arrival of Māori pioneers and Māori settlement
-Te Tiriti o Waitangi / Treaty of Waitangi and its history
-European colonisation and immigration,including the New Zealand Wars

Bookings are now open. Please email to register.
professional development workshops

Volcano Van hits the road

Our brand new van has taken to the roads of Tāmaki Makaurau to bring the volcanoes education programme to you and your learners.

Supported by Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake, this free interactive learning experience encourages young learners to understand the impacts of natural hazards and how to be prepared.

Experience the program at Auckland Museum, or it can be brought direct to your school or kura by the Volcano Van.

Sponsored by Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake
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