CSI Pukekawa
Citizen Science Investigations
Years 1 to 8Years 9 to 13Years 1 to 13Early childhood education
Schedule Icon
Terms 1 & 4
Cost Icon
$7 per student
Venue Icon
Auckland Museum, Domain
Duration Icon
90 minutes

This programme is for the following year groups: Years 4–6, Years 7–8

Learn the basics of ecology and citizen-science practices by assisting our scientists to document biodiversity in Auckland Domain.
Using tools such as iNaturalist, identify important native species wherever you are and create citizen-science projects in your own backyard.

Learning Outcomes
Learners will:
· Demonstrate how to observe species within given environments
· Understand how using digital tools can complement eco-literacy learning
· Make comparisons with their own local environment
· Be encouraged to use scientific thinking

Please note: minimum 20 students, maximum 30 students per session
Image details: Tui, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae, LB15214, © Auckland Museum CC BY

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