We are committed to providing educational opportunities for all learners.


Auckland Museum is committed to providing educational opportunities for all learners. Our education programmes involve sensory learning where students have hands-on experiences with our collections.

Our education team welcome the opportunity to work with teachers and teacher aides to best cater to student needs.

In order to support your students, we offer:

  • Pre-visit  one-to-one session with individual students. This can help remove the unknowns from a visit and provides an opportunity for your student to share their personal interests.
  • Pre-visit  joint planning with teachers of special needs classes. Under the guidance of the teacher in charge, our education offerings can be adapted for vision impaired, hearing impaired and specialist learning centres.
  • Please ensure that you highlight any access needs during the enquiry or booking process. For further information, please speak directly with an Auckland Museum Learning Specialist.

Mobility access

A ramp is located at both the south and north entrances. Disabled parking is available. Wheelchairs are available free of charge.

Auckland Museum social script for school visits

This script allows families and teachers to personalise their visit. Written in consultation with a family with lived experience of autism, this script can help you plan your visit and tell you what to expect at the Museum. Social scripts can also support children who struggle to communicate or become easily overwhelmed by stimuli.

Sensory-friendly map

This map highlights the high and low sensory spaces within the Museum. High sensory spaces, indicated in red, are busy places with a mix of multimedia, loud noises and/or low light. Please note exhibition galleries and education spaces can be especially crowded or busy.